Color Name | Preview | Hex Value | RGB Value |
Black | FF000000 | _RGB32(0, 0, 0) | |
Blue | FF0000AA | _RGB32(0, 0, 170) | |
Green | FF00AA00 | _RGB32(0, 170, 0) | |
Cyan | FF00AAAA | _RGB32(0, 170, 170) | |
Red | FFAA0000 | _RGB32(170, 0, 0) | |
Magenta | FFAA00AA | _RGB32(170, 0, 170) | |
Brown | FFAA5500 | _RGB32(170, 85, 0) | |
White | FFAAAAAA | _RGB32(170, 170, 170) | |
Gray | FF555555 | _RGB32(85, 85, 85) | |
LightBlue | FF5555FF | _RGB32(85, 85, 255) | |
LightGreen | FF55FF55 | _RGB32(85, 255, 85) | |
LightCyan | FF55FFFF | _RGB32(85, 255, 255) | |
LightRed | FFFF5555 | _RGB32(255, 85, 85) | |
LightMagenta | FFFF55FF | _RGB32(255, 85, 255) | |
Yellow | FFFFFF55 | _RGB32(255, 255, 85) | |
BrightWhite | FFFFFFFF | _RGB32(255, 255, 255) | |
Blink | You may add this to any color to make it blinking (eg. COLOR Red + Blink, for blinking red). But note this works in SCREEN 0 and also for the foreground (text) color only. |