The _FONTHEIGHT function returns the font height of a font handle created by _LOADFONT.
- pixelHeight% = _FONTHEIGHT[(fontHandle&)]
- Returns the height of the last font used if a handle is not designated.
- If no font is set it returns the current screen mode's text block height.
Example: Finding the font or text block size of printed string characters in graphic SCREEN modes.
DO INPUT "Enter Screen mode 1, 2 or 7 to 13 or 256, 32 for _NEWIMAGE: ", scr$ mode% = VAL(scr$) LOOP UNTIL mode% > 0 SELECT CASE mode% CASE 1, 2, 7 TO 13: SCREEN mode% CASE 256, 32: SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(800, 600, mode%) CASE ELSE: PRINT "Invalid mode selected!": END END SELECT INPUT "Enter first name of TTF font to use or hit enter for text block size: ", TTFont$ IF LEN(TTFont$) THEN INPUT "Enter font height: ", hi$ height& = VAL(hi$) IF height& > 0 THEN fnt& = _LOADFONT("C:\Windows\Fonts\" + TTFont$ + ".ttf", height&, style$) IF fnt& <= 0 THEN PRINT "Invalid Font handle!": END _FONT fnt& END IF TextSize wide&, high& 'get the font or current screen mode's text block pixel size _PRINTSTRING (20, 100), "Block size = " + CHR$(1) + STR$(wide&) + " X" + STR$(high&) + " " + CHR$(2) END SUB TextSize (TextWidth&, TextHeight&) TextWidth& = _PRINTWIDTH("W") 'measure width of one font or text character TextHeight& = _FONTHEIGHT 'can measure normal text block heights also END SUB
See also