Syntax Reference - QB64
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In alphabetical order. GET/PUT refer to TCP/IP. Keyword that syntax refers to is linked. A brief explanation in grey next to the syntax.
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result& = _ALPHA(c&[, imageHandle&])
→ Returns the alpha opacity for the image specified or the current image.
result& = _ALPHA32(c&[, imageHandle&])
→ Returns the alpha opacity for the image specified or the current image.
→ Turns on autodisplay if it was disabled using _DISPLAY.
→ Returns the current background color.
...AS [_UNSIGNED] _BIT [*numberofbits]
→ The bit can only hold -1 or 0, unsigned bit can hold 1 or 0.
_BLEND [imagehandle]
→ Turns on alpha blending.
enabledflag = _BLEND [(imagehandle)]
→ Returns -1 if alpha blending is enabled on the current image or a specific one, otherwise it returns 0.
blue = _BLUE(palette_index/32_bit_color[, image_handle])
blue_intensity% = _BLUE32(color32value)
→ A byte can hold 256 values from -128 to 127, unsigned byte can hold 0 to 255.
_CLEARCOLOR RGBsettings[, ImageHandle]
→ Defines the transparent color for all images or a specific one.
colorvalue = _CLEARCOLOR [(handle)]
→ Returns the current transparent color.
PUT [STEP](column, row), image[, _CLIP] [{XOR|PSET|AND|OR|PRESET}][, omitcolor]]
→ Clips parts of the image that is offscreen.
result$ = _CLIPBOARD$
→ Retrieve the contents of the clipboard.
_CLIPBOARD$ = string_expression$
→ Set the contents of the clipboard.
status = _CONNECTED(handle)
address$ = _CONNECTIONADDRESS(handle)
→ Turns on/off functionality of ASCII control characters
copyhandle& = _COPYIMAGE& [(handle)]
→ Returns a handle to a copy of a image.
_COPYPALETTE [sourceImageHandle&[, destinationImageHandle&]]
result = _CV(numericalType, stringValue$)
result& = _DEFAULTCOLOR [(imageHandle&)]
→ Returns the current default color of a specified image
_DEFINE range or letter[, range2 or letter2[, range3 or letter3[, ...]]] AS [_UNSIGNED] datatype
→ Defines variables starting with a letter as a datatype.
_DELAY seconds!
→ Delays the program the specified number of seconds.
_DEST handle
→ Sets the drawing destination image.
handle = _DEST
→ Returns the current drawing destination image handle.
device$ = _DEVICE$(device_number)
→ Returns the name and type of the device for a given device number
devicecount = _DEVICES
→ Returns the number of devices. Must be used before _DEVICE$ and _LASTBUTTON
direxists = _DIREXISTS (filepath$)
→ Returns -1 if the directory exists that the filepath points to.
→ Turns off automatic display, while displaying the buffer to the screen.
displayedimage = _DISPLAY
→ Returns the current displayed image.
_DONTBLEND [imagehandle]
→ Turns off alpha blending.
SHELL [_DONTWAIT] [commandline$]
→ Don't wait for the SHELLed program to end before returning control to the calling program.
erline = _ERRORLINE
→ In case of error returns the line that produced the error.
quit% = _EXIT
→ Turns control over exit to program, gives values depending on how the user tries to exit.
fileexists = _FILEEXISTS (filepath$)
→ Returns -1 if file exists at the specified path
→ Defines a variable or array to use float precision values, gives maximum precision in QB64.
_FONT Font_handle[, Image_handle&]
→ Set the font for the current image or a specified one.
font_handle = _FONT [(image_handle)]
→ Returns the font handle for the current image or a specified one.
character_height_in_pixels = _FONTHEIGHT [(font_handle)]
→ Returns the height of a font defined by font_handle.
character_width_in_pixels = _FONTWIDTH [(font_handle)]
→ Returns the width of a font defined by font_handle.
_FREEFONT font_handle
→ Closes the font defined by font_handle.
_FREEIMAGE [handle]
→ Closes the image defined by handle.
timerhandle = _FREETIMER
→ Returns the handle of the next free timer.
→ Returns the current fullscreen mode.
→ Set fullscreen mode.
GET #handle, ,b$
→ In QB64 gets a raw (unformatted) string from a open TCP/IP connection handle.GET #handle, ,x%
→ In QB64 gets a raw (unformatted) integer from a open TCP/IP connection handle.
green = _GREEN(palette_index/32_bit_color[, image_handle])
→ Returns the green component of the color specified.
green_intensity% = _GREEN32(color32value)
→ Returns the green component of the color specified.
height& = _HEIGHT(i&)
→ Returns the height of image i&.
SHELL _HIDE StringCommandLine$
→ Used to hide the SHELLed program.
_ICON handle
→ Sets the program icon to the image defined by handle....AS [_UNSIGNED] _INTEGER64
→ Defines a variable or array to use 64-bit integers.
button_count% = _LASTBUTTON(device_number)
→ Returns the number of buttons of the specified device. _DEVICES must have been called first.
_LIMIT (FramesPerSecond%)
→ Limits the framerate of a loop.
font_handle = _LOADFONT(ttf_filename$, height [,"BOLD,ITALIC,UNDERLINE,DONTBLEND,MONOSPACE"])
→ Loads a font and returns the handle to it.
handle& = _LOADIMAGE& (filename$[, mode])
→ Loads a image and returns the handle to it.
_MAPTRIANGLE (sx1, sy1)-(sx2, sy2)-(sx3, sy3), source&, TO (dx1, dy1)-(dx2, dy2)-(dx3, dy3)[, destination&]
_MAPUNICODE Unicode& TO ascii_code%
UTFvalue& = _MAPUNICODE(Ascii_code%)
_SCREENMOVE {column&, row&|_MIDDLE}
→ Used to move the window to the center of the screen.
stringvalue$ = _MK$(numericaltype, numbervalue)
buttontriggered = _MOUSEBUTTON (Button%)
→ Returns -1 if the mouse button is triggered.
→ Hides the mouse.
newmouseinput = _MOUSEINPUT
→ Returns -1 if there are new input from the mouse.
- _MOUSEMOVE x, y → Moves the mouse pointer to a designated position.
→ Returns the number of pixels in the x direction that the mouse has moved since the latest call. Also hides the mouse.
→ Returns the number of pixels in the y direction that the mouse has moved since the latest call. Also hides the mouse.
→ Shows the mouse.
scroll% = _MOUSEWHEEL
→ Returns the number of wheel turns of the mouse.
xposmouse = _MOUSEX
→ Returns the x position of the mouse.
yposmouse = _MOUSEY
→ Returns the y position of the mouse.
handle& = _NEWIMAGE& (width, height[, BPPmode])
→ Creates and gives the handle to a new image.
_CLEARCOLOR _NONE[, imageHandle&]
→ Used to specify that there should be no clearcolor (transparent color) on the image.
...variable AS _OFFSET
→ Defines a variable to be of the type _OFFSET which is used to hold a pointer to memory.
offset%& = _OFFSET(variable)
→ Returns the memory offset that is used to hold the variable.
client_handle = _OPENCLIENT(stringargument)
connect_handle = _OPENCONNECTION(host_handle)
host_handle = _OPENHOST(stringargument)
osinfo$ = _OS$
→ Returns a string representing the Operating System and if it is 32 or 64 bit.
_PALETTECOLOR index%, colour&[, imageHandle&]
→ Set the color of a palette index in a 8-bit (or less) image.
color32value& = _PALETTECOLOR(attribute_number&, handle&)
BytesPerPixel& = _PIXELSIZE (imagehandle&)
→ Returns the number of bytes a pixel takes up in a certain image.
REDIM _PRESERVE Array(newelements%)
→ Optional argument to REDIM used to preserve the contents of an array while re-dimensioning.
_PRINTIMAGE imagehandle
→ Sends the image to the printer, stretching it to full paper size first
_PRINTMODE mode[, image_handle]
status% = _PRINTMODE [(image_handle)]
_PRINTSTRING (column, row), text_to_print$[, image_handle&]
→ Prints text to the screen.
pixel_width = _PRINTWIDTH(text_to_print$[, image_handle&])
PUT #handle, , data
→ In QB64; Transmits raw data to a open TCP/IP connection handle.
_PUTIMAGE [(destx, desty)][-(destx2, desty2)], [srchandle], [desthandle][,(srcx, srcy)][-(srcx2, srcy2)]
→ Puts an area of one image onto an area of another.
red = _RED(palette_index/32_bit_color[, image_handle])
→ Returns the red component of the color specified.
red_intensity% = _RED32(color32value)
→ Returns the red component of the color specified.
colorindex = _RGB(red, green, blue[, image_handle])
→ Returns the color index for a mix of Red, Green and Blue components.
color32 = _RGB32(red, green, blue)
→ Returns the 32-bit color value for a mix of Red, Green and Blue components.
colorindex = _RGBA(red, green, blue, alpha[, image_handle])
→ Returns the color index for a mix of Red, Green, Blue and alpha components.
color32 = _RGBA32(red, green, blue, alpha)
→ Returns the 32-bit color value for a mix of Red, Green, Blue and alpha components.
roundedvalue = _ROUND(value)
→ Rounds to the nearest integer with preference for even numbers, 1.5 and 2.5 rounds to 2
→ Simulates clicking on the screen at the specified location.
handle& = _SCREENIMAGE
→ Takes a snapshot of the screen and gives the image to it.
→ Moves the window to the specified location.
→ Simulates typing on the keyboard.
xpos = _SCREENX
→ Returns the current x position of the window.
ypos = _SCREENY
→ Returns the current y position of the window.
_SETALPHA alpha&, [c& [TO c2&]] [, imageHandle&]
_SNDBAL handle&[, x!][, y!][, z!]
_SNDCLOSE handle&
→ Closes the sound specified by the handle
new_handle& = _SNDCOPY& (handle&)
→ Copies the sound and gives the handle to the copy.
seconds = _SNDGETPOS!(handle&)
→ Get play position in seconds of the sound specified
lenseconds = _SNDLEN! (handle&)
→ Get the length in seconds of the sound specified
_SNDLIMIT handle&, limit!
_SNDLOOP handle&
sound_handle& = _SNDOPEN (filename$, [capabilities$])
→ Open and load a sound into memory, the handle to the sound is returned.
_SNDPAUSE handle&
→ Pause the sound specified.
paused% = _SNDPAUSED (handle&)
→ Returns -1 if specified sound is paused, otherwise returns 0.
_SNDPLAY handle&
→ Start playing the sound specified.
_SNDPLAYCOPY handle&[, volume!]
_SNDPLAYFILE filename$[, sync%][, volume!]
playing% = _SNDPLAYING% (handle&)
→ Returns -1 if sound is playing, otherwise returns 0.
rate = _SNDRATE
→ Returns the sample frequency.
_SNDRAW leftsample& [rightsample&]
→ Turns the speaker membrane in or out -1 to 1 (1 being fully out).
length# = _SNDRAWLEN
→ Returns the length in seconds of the sample.
_SNDSETPOS handle&, position!
→ Set the position in seconds of the sound specified.
_SNDSTOP handle&
→ Stop the sound specified.
_SNDVOL handle&, volume
→ Set the volume of the sound specified.
_SOURCE handle&
→ Sets the source image that information is retrieved from.
present_source& = _SOURCE
→ Returns the handle of the current source image.
t = TIMER(accuracy)
→ Returns the current timer value with a chosen accuracy (can be down to .001, which is millisecond accuracy).
_TITLE Text$
→ Sets the title of the program window.
...AS [_UNSIGNED] datatype
→ _UNSIGNED makes the datatype always positive, increases the maximum value of the datatype.
ImageWidth& = _WIDTH(i&)
→ Returns the width of a image defined by i&.