Grey Scale Bitmaps

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Grey scale is necessary for compatibility with Qbasic's legacy SCREEN modes when viewing 24/32 bit bitmaps! You may also desire grey scale images for aesthetic or artistic reasons.

  • Set each color attribute's RGB intensities to the same value while incrementing the attribute values and intensity levels.
  • Don't exceed 63 when using OUT in legacy screen modes 12 or 13. Screens 7 and 9 use DAC color settings.
  • Then set the color attributes to reflect the number of colors available in that legacy screen mode.
  • 24/32 bit do not use color attributes, so the intensity levels must be set to an average for all three.

SCREEN 12 (4 BPP - 16 colors)

SUB TrueColor12 'Screen 12 greyscale of 24 bit 'code by Bob Seguin IF BMP.PWidth * 3) MOD 4) THEN ZeroPAD$ = SPACE$((4 - ((BMP.PWidth * 3) MOD 4))) END IF n = 3 FOR Colr = 0 TO 15 '16 colors OUT &H3C8, Colr OUT &H3C9, n 'color intensities are each equal in grey scale OUT &H3C9, n OUT &H3C9, n n = n + 4 'increment intensities. maximum intensity = 63 NEXT Colr y = BMP.PDepth - 1: o$ = " " GET #1, BMP.Offset, o$ R$ = " ": G$ = " ": B$ = " " DO x = 0 'set image to left of screen DO GET #1, , B$ GET #1, , G$ GET #1, , R$ red = ASC(R$) 'intensities from 0 to 255 grn = ASC(G$) blu = ASC(B$) average = (red + grn + blu) \ 48 'divide by 16 colors and divide by 3 for average PSET (x, y), average '255 * 3 divided by 16 = maximum color of 15 x = x + 1 LOOP WHILE x < BMP.Pwidth GET #1, , ZeroPAD$ 'move up one row from bottom y = y - 1 LOOP UNTIL y = -1 END SUB

SCREEN 13 (4 or 8 BPP - 256 colors)

SUB TrueColor13 'Screen 13 greyscale of 24 bit 'code by Bob Seguin IF ((BMP.PWidth * 3) MOD 4) <> 0 THEN ZeroPAD$ = SPACE$((4 - ((BMP.PWidth * 3) MOD 4))) END IF FOR Colr = 0 TO 255 STEP 4 '63 different intensities FOR Reps = 0 TO 3 'set 3 colors at a time OUT &H3C8, Colr + Reps OUT &H3C9, n 'color intensities are each equal in grey scale OUT &H3C9, n OUT &H3C9, n NEXT Reps n = n + 1 'increment intensities. maximum = 63 NEXT Colr y = BMP.PDepth - 1: o$ = " " GET #1, BMP.Offset, o$ 'offset + 1 immediately after header R$ = " ": G$ = " ": B$ = " " DO x = 0 'set image to left side of screen DO GET #1, , B$ GET #1, , G$ GET #1, , R$ red = ASC(R$) grn = ASC(G$) blu = ASC(B$) average = (red + grn + blu) \ 3 'divide by 3 for average as colors match intensities PSET (x, y), average '3 * 255 divided by 3 = maximum color attribute of 255 x = x + 1 LOOP WHILE x < BMP.PWidth GET #1, , ZeroPAD$ 'skip padder if used y = y - 1 'move up one row from bottom LOOP UNTIL y = -1 END SUB

SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(BMP.PWidth, BMP.PDepth, 32) (24 BPP - 16 million colors)

SUB TrueGreyScale 'convert a 24 bit bitmap image to grey scale IF ((BMP.PWidth * 3) MOD 4) <> 0 THEN ZeroPAD$ = SPACE$((4 - ((BMP.PWidth * 3) MOD 4))) END IF y = BMP.PDepth - 1: o$ = " " GET #1, BMP.Offset, o$ 'offset + 1 immediately after header R$ = " ": G$ = " ": B$ = " " DO x = 0 'set image to left side of screen DO GET #1, , B$ GET #1, , G$ GET #1, , R$ red = ASC(R$) grn = ASC(G$) blu = ASC(B$) average = (red + grn + blu) \ 3 'divide by 3 for average as colors match intensities PSET (x, y), _RGB32(average, average, average) 'maximum color intensity = 255 x = x + 1 LOOP WHILE x < BMP.PWidth GET #1, , ZeroPAD$ 'skip padder if used y = y - 1 'move up one row from bottom LOOP UNTIL y = -1 END SUB

Tinting Grey Scale Images
To tint a SCREEN 12 or 13 greyscale image, keep the palette intensity settings of 1 or 2 colors less than the others.

FOR Colr = 0 TO 255 STEP 4 '63 different intensities FOR Reps = 0 TO 3 'set 3 colors at a time OUT &H3C8, Colr + Reps OUT &H3C9, n - tint 'decrease color intensities of red and green OUT &H3C9, n - tint OUT &H3C9, n 'higher blue intensity will blue the image NEXT Reps n = n + 1 'increment intensities. maximum = 63 IF n > 5 THEN tint = 5 'keep red and green intensity values above 0! NEXT Colr

In 24/32 bit SCREENs, subtract some intensity from one or two of the 3 image pixel settings.

DO GET #1, , B$ GET #1, , G$ GET #1, , R$ red = ASC(R$) grn = ASC(G$) blu = ASC(B$) average = (red + grn + blu) \ 3 'divide by 3 for average as colors match intensities IF average > 5 THEN tint = 5 ELSE tint = 0 PSET (x, y), _RGB32(average - tint, average - tint, average) 'maximum color intensity = 255 x = x + 1 LOOP WHILE x < BMP.PWidth

You could keep the red and green intensity settings higher than blue to yellow, brown, or antique the image too.

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